00 01/03/2008 16:10
Allo Allo Allo.

Im Chokeslamcena (or known as KKV on some forums).

I've been viewing this site for.. wow.. over a year. I decided to join a while back, but never really bothered to come on much (losing the search engine defeated the purpose).

However, I've since decided that I'll make it a place to come and post regularly.

I collect wrestling merchandise. Majority of my collection is made up of figures, and then there are some replica belts, replica masks, t-shirts, pendants, etc. im pretty much a hardcore Rasslin' fan.

I spend my free time (that is; time not working) hanging out with friends and girlfriend. I also run and spend a lot of time working on a loose figure website (loosejakks.proboards54.com. if anyone here collects figures, and has a decent camera, feel free to join up and contribute - shameless plug).

I'm in ye olde Ireland.

Kane is my overall favourite grappler, although i will admit that Benoit, Angle etc. are better pure wrestlers.

Well.. thats me summed up really.

I look forward to spending some time here, and posting regularly when i figure out where everything is and how it all works on here.
